About us...

The Ethical Storyteller's Academy was created by Jenny Jay out of the need for a space for a more inclusive, ethical and accessible approach to digital storytelling.

Whether it is for a brands marketing assets or the sharing of the lived experiences of equity seeking groups how we tell our stories and create media shapes the society that we decide to live in.

The Ethical Storyteller's Academy has expanded to include Jenny's signature programs and workshops as well as resources and tools developed by her and her team to best these new narratives.


Our Mission...

We want to change the way people create media and be a resource for anyone to tell their stories and develop community. We believe this can be done without compromising on your ethics, and minimizing harm towards your community. 

Our purpose is to make information and storytelling more accessible as the world of digital media, marketing and advertising continues to change. You have a story to tell and something to share, we will be there to support you as you do.

Our Team...

Our team is comprised of a group of individuals who come from different lived experiences, backgrounds, and identities, which is what is truly at the heart of this space. It is through our team's own stories and experiences that we have been able to build The Ethical Storyteller’s Academy together — from course programming to the resources. From what started as one (badass) woman’s dream to share and support communities have now grown to a community of people on a mission to have more of these tools and resources exist in the world.